Nikki's Comics
Green Lantern and the Space Alien
Hero Info
Captian America
Green Lantern
The Kid Vengers
Spy vs Spy
Aqua Man
Plastic Man
Spiderman And DD
The Fantastic 4

Green Lantern & the Space Alien

Green Lantern AKA, Hal Gordon, was called to city hall. Something was wreaking the city. Hal went to his locker and got out his ring and put on his suit. He charged his ring and he set off for city hall.

He went to city hall and saw the thing. He figured it was an alien from Mars. The only bad part was it was yellow (GLs ring doesnt work on yellow things). He started punching the alien. The alien laughed and flicked him off. GL slammed on a skyscraper. The alien picked up its foot. Just as it was going to smash GL, he noticed his foot was black!

He shot his power at its foot and flipped the alien. GL made a baseball bat out of his ring. He waited until it woke up. He smashed it. GL put the body in a box and chained it up. He through the box in the ocean. GL saved the day again!!!!!!!!!